Sunday, December 25, 2011

Verbal vs Non-Verbal

Eusoff menjerit2 marah bila aku tukar channel Astro.

Aku : Sapa yang bayor Astro ni? Mama kan? Abang tu tengok jelah apa
channel mama nak tengok, jgn nak komplen..

Eusoff (Spell): FREE AFRO (maybe meant for Astro) SDN BHD.

Aku : Sapa cakap free? Mama bayar tiap2 bulan tau?

Eusoff (spell): DUMB

Aku : Grrr... Anak bertuah...!

Verbal or non-verbal.., budak2 ni kalau bab menjawab sama je.. Hahahahadoi!!


  1. cool la eusoff. he spells and he knows how to communicate it. macam anak saya, pandai mengeja tp bukan untuk komunikasi (setakat ni), maybe because he is slightly verbal..anyhow, mmg Grrr tgk statement eusoff tu but still it's cool :)

  2. MasyaAllah, pandainye eusoff. mmg dia gifted, can i say he have a photographic mind where he can remember thing easily.. Alhamdulillah..way to go Eusoff!

  3. Kak Syahida: (Eh..betul ke 'kakak' ni? Kalau salah betulkan ek? Sorry.. :)) Mmg geram kan? Hahaha...tapi saya suka sbb at least dia bleh voice out dia perasaan dia. Lebih la bagus berkali ganda dari dia tantrum kan? Cuma ntah camana saya nak bagitau dia which is ok and which word is not ok for him to spell. Kan tak elok dok kata org DUMB tu kan? Mmm..camana ye? Social story boleh kot ek?

  4. Kak Kusya: Everyday he will surprise me with a new word..sometimes tak masuk akal a child his age bleh eja such a difficult word like JOGATHON. Rasanya saya dah darjah baper baru la first time tgk dan faham amende la jogathon tu.. Akak dah baca older post saya tak psl hyperlexia? Masa pegi parents edu class kat UKM last week, Dr. Hasnah Toran yg conduct class tu confirmed that Eusoff's condition is called hyperlexia.
